
michael moore's 60th birthday party.

Although almost ruined by the bluntest, most-uneducated, darkest bartender-lady in history (one had to take a deep breath before daring to order another beer), it was all too lovely being invited to play at one of our favorite music hero's party. Yet another pic by the wonderful Francesca Patella.


infamous butchers #2.

Infamous Butchers #2 @ Butcher's Tears, November 27th: Sleep Gunner playing solo Louvin renditions (as shown below, yis) + Han Bennink & Koen Kaptijn playing Kurt Schwitters. Lovely pictures courtesy of Francesca Patella.

infamous butchers #1.

Our new series @Butcher's Tears where we invite local heroes to do something/anything with 20th century vocal music, and next to that, force ourselves to play an out of the ordinary Sleep Gunner set.

sept. 27th: Sleep Gunner LP Presentation + Joost Buis & Michael Moore playing Hank Williams.

Here's some footage of our esteemed guests: